Saturday, March 15, 2008

Let the Sunshine In!!!

This article is from:

The Sun – The Forgotten Nutrient

When we think of nutritional supplements rarely, if ever, is the Sun listed among the vitamins or minerals. Yet the Sun plays a vital and pivotal role in many physiological life processes.

Without enough sunlight many people are prone to depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is prevalent in the winter months and in the Northern Hemisphere. The solution for this problem is full-spectrum light to duplicate the sun’s emissions as well as the ingestion of cod liver oil.

Sunlight is also essential for Vitamin D absorption and conversion in the skin. While much has been made of the risk of skin cancer, the truth is that melanoma occurs in areas of the body that are not usually exposed to sunlight (thighs, trunk and buttocks) Basal cell carcinoma is the cancer that occurs from excessive exposure to the sun, usually seen on exposed body parts. Our culture’s obses sion with the extreme (over-application of sunscreen or excessive exposure and tanning salons) is unhealthy. Melanoma though is found in areas of the body that are NOT usually exposed to the sun.

Without adequate amounts of Vitamin D bones cannot be strong. Patients with osteoporosis are deficient in Vitamin D – either from a lack of sun exposure, or an inability to absorb Vitamin D from their intestinal tract. Vitamin D absorption is dependent upon the presence of some fat in the diet.

Vitamin D is an immune-modulator.. In actuality Vitamin D is not a vitamin at all, but a hormone. Hormones are delivered by the bloodstream to all cells in the body. Much research remains to be done to elucidate all the mechanisms of Vitamin D’s biochemical effects. Recent research indicates a pivotal role of Vitamin D in the prevention of multiple sclerosis in Caucasians, especially women. MS is much more prevalent the farther north of the equator you go.

Sunlight is vital to our ability to sleep. Melatonin, which is synthesized by the pineal gland in the brain, is light-sensitive. Without the sun to “set” its diurnal secretion, our sleep-wake cycles become irregular. Shift-workers who may not see the sun for weeks on end have difficulties focusing, lack energy, and experience sexual arousal problems.

Lastly, the sun plays a role in night vision. Over-use of sunglasses inhibits the body’s ability to distinguish between shades of darkness and light as well as inhibiting melatonin synthesis. Certainly other nutrients play a role (Vitamins A and E, fatty acids - especially phosphatidylcholine) but the sun remains an essential ingredient to healthy vision.

In summary Sunlight is vital for balanced mood, normal sleep cycles, vision and bone/calcium physiology. Nothing on God’s Earth would function without Sunlight -which is what He intended.

God created the Sun and it was good.

Resources: - excellent article on Osteoporosis
Vitamin Chart
Article on Melatonin
Melatonin article from the National Sleep Foundation
Links on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Harvard Study on Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis

This taken from:
Vitamin D in Your Skin
Researchers have found that the production of previtamin D3 in your skin varies depending on several factors, which include skin type, weather conditions, and sunscreen use.
During the winter at altitudes above 35 degrees, there is minimal previtamin D3 production in the skin. Darker skin pigmentation, application of sunscreen, aging and clothing can also have a dramatic effect on previtamin D3 production.
However, at the other end of the scale, excessive exposure to sunlight does not result in vitamin D overdoes, because previtamin D3 and vitamin D3 are photolyzed to biologically inert chemicals before they can build up to dangerous levels.
Eurekalert February 20, 2008
I believe the evidence is quite clear; your likelihood of developing deadly skin cancer from sun exposure is nowhere near as high as you have been led to believe in the past. The benefits of normalizing your vitamin D levels FAR outweigh any risk you may have from optimal sun exposure.
So I’m glad to see that there are more scientific arguments promoting healthy sun exposure, and the focus is finally shifting toward making sure you’re getting the right amount of exposure based on your individual variables.
Why Anti-Tanning Propaganda Takes Lives
In a groundbreaking study, researchers from the Moore’s Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) concluded that increasing the intake of vitamin D3 throughout the world could easily prevent diseases – including 16 types of cancer -- that would otherwise claim close to 1 million lives each year worldwide.
The truth is, this pervasive and persistent anti-tanning campaign has not done you any favors. It has enriched sun lotion manufacturers, but most likely caused more disease than it prevented.
The only risks of UVB come from overexposure. This can be greatly minimized by avoiding sunburn, and eating a healthy diet, rich in antioxidants. The recommendation to never go out in the sun without wearing sunscreen, however, is simply misguided advice. Slathering on sunscreen will effectively shield you from the sun’s inherent health benefits, so your body will not synthesize vitamin D properly.
It’s also important to remember that you can develop sun damage even with sunscreen. Sunscreens don’t stop the damage from occurring, they simply stops the burn. But damage can still occur on a cellular level.
Even worse, most sunscreens contain toxic chemicals that absorb through your skin, adding to your toxic load and even increasing your cancer risk.
Individual Variables That Affect Your Vitamin D Levels
It’s important to bear in mind that everyone responds differently to sunlight, depending on factors such as:
. Antioxidant levels, and diet in general
. Age
. Skin color
. Current tan level
. Latitude and altitude (elevation)
. Cloud cover and pollution
. Ozone layer
. Surface reflection
. Season
. Time of day
A person with dark skin, for example, may need as much as ten times more sun exposure to produce the same amount of vitamin D as a person with pale skin.
You will need to carefully determine your own sunlight needs and tolerances, and learn what kind of exposure you need to tan without burning. Let’s look at how a few of these individual variables can affect your vitamin D levels, and the amount of sun exposure you might need.
How Antioxidants and Vitamins Can Help Prevent Sunburn
You may not realize that the amount of antioxidants that you have in your skin plays a major role in your development of sunburn. The more antioxidants you take in, the lower your risk of sunburn. Foods containing effective antioxidants to boost your “internal sunscreen” include whole fresh vegetables and fruits such as:
Goji berries (not the juice)

Vitamins A and C are also vital as your cells use these vitamins to regulate both light absorption and protection against overexposure. According to nutritional researcher Krispin Sullivan, Scandinavians and other very light skinned people can benefit tremendously from making sure they are sufficient in these vitamins as it will protect their skin from burning too quickly.
Safe Tanning Guidelines
If your skin is unused to the sun, it is important to build up your tolerance regularly and gradually. It’s good to start early in the year, in the spring and early summer. This will prepare your skin for the stronger sunlight later in the year.
At the beginning of the season, go out gradually and limit your exposure to perhaps as little as 10 minutes a day. Progressively increase your time in the sun so that in a few weeks, you will be able to have normal sun exposure with little risk of skin cancer.
Time of Day -- Early morning is, for similar reasons, the best time to sunbathe if you have not already built up a base tan, because you’re less likely to burn in the mild morning sun than later in the day. In addition, it’s best to sunbathe when the temperature is below 64 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius), so that you don’t overheat.
Regular Intervals -- Regular sunbathing is extremely important; you can’t cram all of your sun exposure into a two or three week vacation period and expect to experience the benefits.
It’s also important to treat your tanning as a medicine and control the dosage; frequent, short periods of exposure are best. You don’t want to overindulge or skip too many days. Regular exposure actually protects against skin cancer, but intermittent overexposure can increase the danger.
Show Some Skin -- A common myth is that occasional exposure of the face and hands to sunlight is "sufficient" for vitamin D nutrition. For most of us, this is an absolutely inadequate exposure to move vitamin levels to the healthy range of 45-55 ng/ml. For optimal benefit, strive to have at least 40 percent of your skin uncovered.
Optimal Exposure Time -- In Caucasian skin, equilibrium occurs within 20 minutes of ultraviolet exposure. It can take 3 to 6 times longer for darkly pigmented skin to reach the equilibrium concentration of skin vitamin D.
So, bearing in mind that you need to gradually increase your time, starting in the spring, you should be aiming towards exposing large areas of your skin to the sun, anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours at a time, depending on your skin type and environmental factors.
A light-skinned person fairly far from the equator (such as in the UK or the northern U.S.) needs at least three of these 20 minute sessions per week, in bright midday sunlight and with few clothes. Longer will be needed if sunbathing occurs at off-peak times for ultraviolet light (before 12 PM or after 3 PM) or at the beginning or end of the summer (April or September).
A dark-skinned person, of course, should be outside significantly longer.
Using Your Skin as a Guide-- If you have light-colored skin, you can use the color of your skin to tell you when you’ve had enough sun and it’s time to get in the shade (or cover up using a long-sleeved shirt, pants, and a hat). Stay out just long enough so that your skin turns the very lightest shade of pink.
Remember that continuing UV exposure beyond the minimal dose required to produce skin redness will not increase your vitamin D production any further.
Please Remember to Check Your Vitamin D Levels
Last but not least, it’s always a good idea to get your vitamin D levels checked regularly, and adjust your sun exposure accordingly to maintain your optimal vitamin D level. For more information about the correct test to get and your optimal -- as opposed to “normal” – levels, please review my previous article, Scientists Admit -- Sun Exposure Benefits Outweigh Risks that I wrote earlier this year.
Additionally, my new book, Dark Deception, which is coming out later this spring, will help to clear up the confusion about sun exposure once and for all. In the meantime, you can get the essential details you need to maintain optimal vitamin D levels throughout the year in my Sunshine Special Report. I decided to make this report available to you now so you don't have to be at the mercy of my publisher.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hello my respectable viewers and i'm from (FLORIDA, UNITED STATE) I am very happy to share this amazing testimony, i was hurt and heart broken when my husband left me with our kid, i was confused and didn't know what to do, i loved him so much, i tried all i could to bring him back but all my effort was in vain , on one faithful day i explained my problem to my friend, and she told me of a great love spell caster called "dr gbojie" whom also make her pregnant when she was looking for a child, i never believed in spells but i have give a try to see if things will get better, i contacted DR gbojie through the contact info my friend gave to me, after some hours the spell caster responded to me he told me to stay and gave me some instructions on what to do and i did exactly as i was told, to my greatest surprise, my husband who has not called me for a very 3 yrs , called me and start apologizing for all the wrongs he did to me and pleaded with me that he want to return home with me and the kids, now he loved me more than ever before, my respectable viewers brothers and sisters if you are passing through any kind of problem contact him and i give you 100% guarantee that he will solve your problems. this is his contacts: or add him up on whatsApp at: +2349066410185 .or check out his website :

New Friends

New Friends
I posted this picture up because everytime I look at it - I am happy... I hope it will do the same for you :-)

I have to wonder – why is it they we like to sleep in??? Why is it that when the alarm clock goes off that we are so anxious to hit the snooze button? Why do we hate to get out of bed? Are dreams that haunt us during our waking hours that much better than our reality?? If so this is not a life that is truly living! This is a life that is the equivalent to being on life support – is this how anyone really wants to live? Maybe some people are content to settle into a routine of a life. But, I don’t think most people are happy with that. I know I wouldn’t be – I wasn’t…. I lived that, or at least felt like I lived that. I was in a job that made me happy “enough”. I was married to a man that I knew was my soul mate, I had a house, a car, friends, and was close to my family. Yet, I always knew that something felt wrong. No matter how I tried to rationalize, struggle to make it fit – whatever – it just didn’t. I was not really happy. Even though I loved my family and my husband, all I could do was struggle to get from one day to the next. I was always watching the clock, waiting for the day to end - just so I could get home and get the day over with. Then the new day came but nothing was ever really new. Why, because I was afraid to try anything new. I was afraid to experiment with anything I was passionate about. I was stuck in a rut. The same old routine was safe. If it ain’t broke, why fix it? Well ya know –some things can be broken and still get you by… The question you have to ask is: “Do I just want to get by?” One day I just woke up and took inventory of my life and thought: “This is great but it can be better” I had to ask myself, “What will make me truly happy?” I looked at my life and assessed the parts that didn’t seem to fit me and tried to figure out what I could change. What can I do that will excite me? Make me truly happy? The main problem that I could see is that I was living a life that I was expected to live. Get married, get a job, get that house and dog, plan for kids - live the American Dream. My life was the perfect model of the American Dream - I was, in fact, living the American Dream. Then I realize the truth of my life… I was sleeping. The American Dream was nothing more than a nightmare, and I was afraid to wake up. I was hitting the snooze button on my life everyday – denying my own happiness, Afraid that any change was going to result in something less than what I had – never thinking that there may be something better than what I had. It was then that I realized that I was in charge of creating my own reality! We are all able to create whatever life we want for ourselves – but to do this we must be AWAKE!!

To understand what I mean by being AWAKE I think we first have to look at our ego. Lets take a second to define ego. Ego is not your true self; it is not your higher self. Ego is a series of memories and aspirations that you define as yourself. Your ego will tell you that what you have accomplished in the past defines you. So you dwell on the past because you feel that is your identity. Your ego will always try to keep you in the material world. If you get “this” or “that” you will be complete. Well guess what? The ego creates a never-ending cycle. The ego has to make us feel empty or incomplete in some way. If we do feel complete love and happiness then the ego will lose its identity and its control over us. Why do we let our ego rule us? The simple answer is fear – but what are we afraid of? Our ego tries to hold us prisoner in our own life. “You hate the world you live in, and yet you made it…. Because you have built yourselves into a prison of your own perceptions, you now know you life is meaningless. It is this pain that blinds you further to any meaning. It is the agony of this blindness that I hope will awaken you to your need for the earth and its lessons for you on an intimate level” 1 I will admit that this quote is a bit harsh, but sometimes it takes a jolt to wake up. When you realize that in this prison of your own perceptions – you are the jail keeper, you are the only one with the key. “Whenever you realize that you have the power to be free, freedom follows. Everything you do in your life is by choice, and you are free to choose again.” 2 You are the only one that can allow yourself experience happiness and freedom. Why are we afraid of this gift to which we are entitled? I know I was afraid. I was afraid that people would say that I was crazy, I was weird, or maybe laugh at me. But then I thought, “What would be so terrible about that?” I least I would be a happy crazy person. You can choose to live a life that makes you happy, or you can stay trapped in a life of complacency. You deserve to live a happy and fulfilling life. You can choose to be AWAKE. Now, having said all of that, it all comes down to these simple steps:

Ask - What makes you happy? Really think about it, and don’t be afraid to ask for the life that you see as perfect. Don’t worry about what others think.

Wait… You have to be patient. The universe may not work on your time schedule. You have to wait, be patient, and allow the divine plan to unfold.

Allow - the plan to unfold, and allow yourself to receive the gifts that are being given to you.

Know – Know that you deserve and will receive anything that you have asked for.

Enjoy - enjoy this moment, enjoy anything and everything you love that is in your life right now. Enjoy the fact that you have chosen to live the life of your dreams – Only it is no dream – you are AWAKE.

Tracy Evans

1“For the Land of the Lost” - Hinono
2“Healing with the Angels” Oracle Cards - Doreen Virtue (Freedom Card